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What Happens During a Pool Leak Detection

May 15, 2024

Pool leaks can be an expensive problem. Over time, they can waste thousands of gallons of water, which can translate to hundreds or even thousands of dollars! Pool leaks can also cause structural damage to the pool. Left unattended, leaks can ruin your landscaping and even threaten the integrity of your home’s foundation. That is why It is essential to... View More

Dive In Early: The Benefits of Spring Pool Inspections

April 24, 2024

Scheduling a comprehensive pool inspection early in the spring can bring several benefits, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable swimming season. By addressing potential issues promptly, homeowners can prevent small problems from escalating and becoming costly repairs. Identifying any leaks, cracks, or equipment malfunctions during the inspection allows for timely repairs, saving both time and money. Maintaining the water quality and... View More

Is Your Pool Leaking?

January 29, 2024

Detecting a pool leak immediately is crucial because a leak can lead to many different problems if ignored. Structural damage, ground erosion, soil shifting, patio settlement and sinkholes are just some of the issues and are very costly and invasive to remedy. When a pool leaks, there is no way to know where the water is going and what damage... View More

Why Have a Pool Inspection When Purchasing a Home

August 17, 2018

When you are in the process of buying a home that includes a pool, it’s essential to ensure it is in great shape. A professional pool inspection in NJ will give you peace of mind and assure you that the pool is ready for you after you close on the home. It isn’t always required to have the pool inspected,... View More

Reason to have professional Leak Detection

September 6, 2017

No matter how good the quality of its construction, a pool can develop a leak in its system. Factors like climate, geology, and ordinary wear and tear can create small or large fissures in the pool’s foundation or filtration system. Even if you suspect there is a leak, you need professional leak detection to truly pinpoint the problem and go... View More

When Do I Need Pool Inspection

August 14, 2017

Owning and maintaining a pool is a lot more work than people realize. If it seems like you got in over your head, don’t worry. You are not alone. And in New Jersey, there are professional pool inspection services that can take care of all the nagging details that go into a problem-free pool, so you can enjoy your pool... View More

Utility Lines: The Difference Between Public and Private

April 3, 2017

Whenever you want to embark on a renovation project or make upgrades to your home or garden in New Jersey, you should consider the need for utility location. Utility location is especially important when you are installing new irrigation or sprinkler systems for your yard, installing a new pool or hot tub, or making any changes to outdoor lighting systems.... View More

Benefits Of Performing Pool Inspection In NJ and NY

December 12, 2016

Prevention is the best cure – that’s a motto often used by medical professionals when it comes to preventing common diseases like the cold, the flu, and lifestyle issues such as diabetes and heart disease. Through basic prevention, life can be made much simpler. The very same principle that applies to health, also applies to a pool. Pools are in... View More

Important Facts about Leak Detection

August 11, 2016

For many households, leaks from plumbing fittings, fixtures, and pipes, are major avenues of water wastage. It is estimated that in a year, a typical home may lose between 2,000 to 20,000 gallons of water because of leaks. Though some leaks may be visible, many are undetected for years simply because of the invisible source of the leak. What is... View More